Saturday, February 24, 2007

BRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!

Holy Smokes - I don't know what happened to global warming, cuz' it's cold outside.
Not only is it cold, it's very snowy. Not only is it snowy, there's 2 inches of ice under the 12 inches of snow.
I had the pleasure of being able to sit and talk with my friend from church, Doug, over a little lunch today. We've both struggled, as so many of us have, with the desire to be "in touch" with God, to have a personal relationship with God. How do I know that God is "there"? I'm not absolutely sure God has actually "spoken" to me or "walked" with me. My mom's favorite song is In The Garden. She sings "He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am his own, and the joy we share..." with such feeling that I know she has had a very personal experience. How does she know that so certainly yet, I'm not so sure?
It's probably not a coincidence that Doug & I explored this question on a blustery day like today. Maybe I've buried the door to my heart under 12 inches of snow and 2 inches of ice. If God is to talk, walk & share joys with me I better get out the snow blower and the ice-melt.

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